P Pay Attention

A Alcohol Restraint

S Space between vehicles

S Speed Limit

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P.A.S.S. System
Driver Safety Training


E-mail: trdfcu@juno.com

P.A.S.S. System Driver Safety Training

Thomas R. Donovan, M.S.

Member American Driver Training Safety & Education Ass.
PFD Battalion Chief, retired

Current vehicle crash rates in the U.S. and the resulting personal tragedies are a national disgrace. Briefly summarized American drivers murder around 40,000 people each year, representing a 9-11 disaster each month, with over 2.4 million serious injuries (more than were injured in the U.S. Civil War and W.W. II combined!) - all the result of over 16 million collisions. Almost all of these deaths and injuries are needless and avoidable. Vehicle crashes are not “accidents;” they are the direct result of drivers’ failures in attending to the task at hand.

My career in the Philadelphia Fire Department as first responder, medical technician, and officer has taught me the results of bad driving. My background in psychology (B.A., M.S., clinical work, university instructor) has been helpful for understanding the difficulty in changing habitual behavior, and has lead to my development of the P.A.S.S. System™ for remembering the key elements of safe driving. The P.A.S.S. System™ is based on the leading causes of vehicle collisions and reduces the six leading causes to four points that need to be remembered while driving. The crucial advantage to the P.A.S.S. System™ is that it provides a way to actually remember these four crucial points each time a driver gets behind the wheel and throughout their trip. No other nationally offered course does this.

The majority of the technical and statistical information in my program is drawn from the landmark driver training text Traffic Safety, by Leonard Evans. Dr. Evans is an internationally renowned traffic safety expert who has been employed doing vehicle safety research for over 33 years. He is the author of more than 150 publications dealing with traffic and driver safety and holds a Ph.D. in physics from Oxford University. The statistics in Traffic Safety are primarily from the Department of Transportation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the National Safety Council, the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, and the National Center for Statistics and Analysis. Anyone driving today owes a debt to Dr. Evans work.

The safe driving information presented here is not a “defensive” driving course. It is a course on how to become an informed responsible driver, aware of the current huge risks on our roads and intelligently proactive in working to provide crash free travel for yourself and the occupants of your vehicle.

Traffic fatalities are the leading cause of death in the U.S. ages 2-34 yrs., and the second leading cause of death to age 50 plus. Please give yourself, your loved ones, and other people on our roads the chance to survive. Start caring about driving safety NOW. Learn the P.A.S.S. System!™ It is offered here free in two formats—a six article series and a 150 slide PowerPoint presentation.